Tips from a Museum Tour Guide, 4: Geistiges Kapital

Tips from a Museum Tour Guide, 4: Geistiges Kapital

The contemporary museum has the capacity to make you feel elated, because you might see an art work that is great and it makes you flow in positivity because such a creation is possible and also recognized as such since it made it into the museum. The museum is there to safeguard das geistige Kapital (the spiritual/intellectual capital) for the future, this I read in an interview with Eugen Blume, the director of Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin. This summer Eugen Blume, together with curator Catherine Nichols, is doing an exhibition about this “capital”. Yet it’s also a fact that a glimpse of bad art can ruin your day, especially when it is shown in a museum, because it makes you doubt not only the art world but society in large. "Where are we heading at?" you might ask. Or more David Bowie-like: "Where are we now?"